Socius means, comrade, friend, or ally this describes a bond or interaction between parties that are friendly, or at least civil. The Latin word sociatas, which in turn was derived from the noun socius. The etymology of the word society can be traced back to Latin. In brief, these groups can be known as communities as well. These groups consist of two or more varied people who interact and identify themselves with one another. Sociology defines society as “a group of people with a common territory, interaction, and culture”. – Comparison of Key Differences Key TermsĬommunity, People, Interactions, Society, Sociology What is the Difference Between Society and Community What is the Relationship Between Society and CommunityĤ.
They demonstrate human characteristics, interactions and connections with one another. Hence, both community and society are necessary elements in sociology and humanities. Likewise, society makes the building block of a country. Thus, different communities make the fundamental building block of society. Society is a collection of different communities. The individual is the basic component of both community and society. The main difference between society and community is that the society is built upon interactions with varied people whereas the community is the collection of people with similar interests, essentially residing in one geographic place.